Thursday, July 10, 2014

I just watched the latest episode of Hunter x Hunter - Debate x Among x Zodiacs...

Hunter x Hunter, Zodiacs, Ging Freeccss, Pariston Hill
Zodiac 12

It only backed my suspicion that Ging's ability is Time Travelling (Future). I I don't think he can modify fate. Maybe he  needs to go back to the present and do something to change the future which is another reason why he showed up.

Ging Freeccss, 13th Hunter Election, Hunter x Hunter
Ging Freeccss

Here are my evidences:

1. Ging uses a lot of future tenses like a fortune teller. He has the confidence to say predictions like he is 100% sure that it would take place. (Based on what I remember. I might have missed out on some things. They are not arranged in order)

Instance 1 - When he told Razor that he couldn't kill Gon.

Instance 2 - When he told Beans about the odds and the drawing for the election rules. (I can't believe that what he exactly said two days ago actually happened.)

Instance 3 - The line - "I expect Cheadle will propose it" + Sacho, Piyon and Kanzai's reactions.

Instance 4 - The line - "I'm not doing this to change the result" - He only wanted his target. It could be Pariston because there may be something very shocking about the guy that is out the bounds of his ability.

Pariston Hill, Hunter x Hunter
Pariston Hill

Instance 5 - When he told Pariston that he was very sure that Gon won't die even though his son is in a very critical condition

2. You can easily preserve rare species, ancient relics and hidden islands with time travelling. This is why he got a three-star.

3. Ging must have seen Gon's adventure prior the Hunter exam arc. He knows that Gon will meet friends and will be safe. He designed Gon's path to make him stronger (Greed Island, Meeting him up with Kite). Seriously, would you really expect that Gon can clear a difficult game? If you can take a peek to the future and align it to your will, you might answer yes to this question.

4. Not sure whether Kite was sacrificed to keep Gon safe or make him stronger. Ging is a cruel dad. Expect gruesome acts from him.

Hunter x Hunter, Hisoka

I also have some suspicions about Hisoka. I feel like he is the "Severus Snape" of Hunter x Hunter. If you know Harry Potter, you'd get what I mean. Yes, for some reasons (related to Gon's mother?) he is Gon's protector but he also has his own obsessions.

OBSESSIONS - Ging used Hisoka's obsession for Chrollo as a diversion to keep him busy during the Chimera Ant Arc events.

Hisoka would like to speak to Ging... Maybe he means fight. Or maybe he really wanted to tell him something.

CONCLUSION: The world/events of Hunter x Hunter revolves around GING-San's palms. Goddamnit.



If everything I said is wrong, I'll just use them for my upcoming fan fics. LOL XD

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Every written work in the Fantasy Fan Leogan website is owned by Fantasy Fan Leogan with the exception of some fan submissions. No part of Fantasy Fan Leogan or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified without obtaining permission from the site owner. Commercial use or other distribution means of the contents of this blog is not allowed without consent and permission from the site owner. See My Blog's Copyright Notice.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

DISCLAIMER: This is a Hunter x Hunter Fan Fiction. I do not own Hunter x Hunter. The story contained within this fan fiction is the sole property of Fantasy Fan Leogan. Hunter x Hunter, its characters and trademarks are being owned by Shueisha/Fuji TV/Yoshihiro Togashi. Other trademarks mentioned in this fan fiction belongs to their respective copyright owners. This fan fiction is made for entertainment purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended by the author and the site owner.

The Dark Leader of the Outlaws (Chapter 5 - The Assassin's Target)

by Leogan

Fan Fiction. HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5
The Assassin

Chapter 5 – The Assassin’s Target

Policemen, mafia guards, hunters and regular citizens constantly paced the busy streets of York Shin City. It was another active night for construction workers, firemen and medics who were assigned to mop up of the mess from the recent turmoil. The traffic only grew heavier after the ruckus caused by the Phantom Troupe.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5
One of the messes...

The area around Cemetery Building was in a complete mess. Severed heads and dead bodies were scattered. Limousines and police cars were totally wrecked while a few broken street lamps kissed the pavement. It would be impossible to count the holes made by thousands of bullets from their high-caliber guns and automatic assault rifles. Apart from these, the fact that more than a hundred mafia men were sacrificed to eliminate the notorious gang proved their inferiority. Not to mention the billions of Jennies they spent to hire the Zoldyck patriarchs.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5, Cemetery Building
The Cemetery Building

With all those huge expenses, the underworld heads couldn’t help but shook their heads in disappointment and overwhelming loss. Add up the shock they earned from bidding for something that will only vanish before their own eyes. Twenty four hours after the incident, they also learned that the dead bodies of the Phantom Troupe leaders were fake. Another surprise that stung their ears was the death of the Ten Dons.

Bringing back the bounty for the heads of the Phantom Troupe members would be pointless and unwise. It was very clear that it is no longer possible to track down the stealthy and deadly group. They also feared of being ridiculed as they were easily tricked.

Everything was a huge slap in the face. The pain would remain for as long as no one would take the blame. Seeking for revenge, a fat head mafia boss came up with a cool idea that would benefit him and the rest of the underworld organization. He told the members of the board that he could handle this problem with ease. To make sure that everything would be carried out well, he summoned Illumi Zoldyck.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5
Calling Illumi Zoldyck

Zenji handed a black envelope to the long-haired assassin. Seconds after they agreed with the price, Illumi headed off to his target.


“This won’t be as difficult as killing the Ten Dons,” Illumi thought while heading to the mansion.  His target was transferred to a secured location which is too far from the safety that a 5-star hotel could provide. He continued to run fast without getting noticed by the people crossed paths with. When he reached the gate of the property, the poker-faced guy pulled out some pins from his clothes. He jumped off the perimeter wall and quickly scanned everything in the area. He rapidly knew about how many men in black were conducting a tight security.

With one swoop, all of the armed guards were taken down with his deadly pricks. He quietly walked to the main door and slowly pushed it forward.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5
Illumi coming in

Before the image of the inside stroke his eyes, Illumi caught sight of a metal ball aiming for his forehead. With a little effort, he swiftly leaned backwards to evade the attack where he realized that a series of chains are connecting the ball to its owner.

Kurapika, took back his dowsing chain and waved it around.

“What are you doing here?” The chain-user asked Killua’s oldest brother.

Illumi continued to walk inside the mansion before he answered the Kurta. He then took out the pictures inside a black envelope and showed them to Kurapika, “I’m going to kill them.”

 The pictures bore the face of Light and Neon Nostrade.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5, Neon Nostrade
The target


“The copies of the bodies and auction items have vanished,” Kortopi uttered out of nowhere. Everyone looked at the small guy. “

“So?” The clueless Feitan asked.

“Kortopi is worried of the mafia men,” Shizuku answered his question.

“And then?” Another question came from the short Phantom Troupe member.

“Maybe he wanted us to think if there are still some things that we need to do.” Shizuku was tolerant when it comes to answering the questions of her colleagues who couldn’t read between the lines.

“Phinks and I will go out to steal a copy of a very expensive game. We can save you the trouble if you want. Just tell us.” Feitan volunteered to accomplish any tasks for the group’s safety until the return of their leader.

“What can you say about this Shal?” Shizuku called for the attention of their tactician.

“Hmmm...” The blonde young man stopped from playing a card game and focused on the current issue. He looked down with his chin resting above his palms. Shalnark tried to recollect while the members of the gang patiently waited for his words.

“We need to clean up a little mess before anything else.” Shalnark finally spoke.

“We were very active during the past few days. We need to think if we have done something that could sell us out. But given the fact that the mafia have called off the prizes for our heads, it would be shameful for them to bring it back. It would only be right to assume that they are looking for someone to blame.” Shalnark gave the first part of his thoughts.

Active on that day

“Does it have something to do with us? What kind of mess are we supposed to take care of?” Nobunaga broke his silence.

“One of the things that we would want the mafia to be confident about is, we have acquired what we exactly wanted. But while we are roaring around the auction site, danchou must have set his eyes on something very important.” Upon this being said, the Genei Ryodan hideout became silent for a few seconds. It seemed like Shalnark got them all confused.

“Something that is very important? Spit it out, will ya?” The daimyo-looking guy could not bear the puzzle that tortures his brain.

“If I remember correctly, danchou mentioned a girl in an ambulance.” Shizuku finally caught up with their brainy colleague.

“I got a hunch that she is the mafia’s target right now,” Machi expressed her feelings about the issue.

“Exactly! The new ability of danchou to predict the future came from that girl. If she died, that skill can no longer be used. We need it for our next plot!” The cheerful young boy exclaimed while giving out a sunny smile.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5, Chrollo Lucilfer, Lovely Ghostwriter
Lovely Ghostwriter

“But how can you say that she is the mafia’s target this time?” The swordsman was still in doubt.

“If you recall our previous discussion, we talked about how the girl’s father used her ability in order to gain a good position in the underworld. They might have used the girl’s nen to hint about how they could escape death while that auction site is being attacked by us. Missing out on things like obtaining a fake auction item and losing armies of men would be enough sparks to earn the blame.” Shalnark finalized his deduction.

“So what should we do right now?” Feitan hopped back to the conversation.

Shalnark nodded to him and called, “Kortopi!”


“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Neon Nostrade can be heard screaming from her room. Eliza and another maid tried to pacify her but they only got hurt.

The spoiled brat saw how the scarlet eyes vanished into thin air. She searched under the bed, checked the table and inspected her servants’ clothes but she failed to see the 2.9 billion Jennies worth of wonder. She resumed ranting about it until a blast coming from the outside shook her to maturity.

A loud crash and tremble overpowered Neon’s tantrums. She looked at her servants who quickly came and hid her inside the bathroom.

The door opened and summoned Illumi Zoldyck.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5
An assassin in the house

Eliza was in fear and tried to call for help. She was surprised to see Kurapika knocked down unconscious in Illumi’s background. It seemed like the assassin smashed the Kurta’s body against the mansion walls which caused the recent shudder. She decided to come inside the bathroom with the other servant to make sure they were locked inside together with their childish boss.

The assassin slowly walked towards the bathroom door. He pulled out a pin from his clothing and threw it to the doorknob’s direction.

 In a millisecond, someone jolted in, caught the pin and flung it back to him. Illumi took his pin back and stared at the showstopper.

The windows of the mansion were left open which is why the young spider was able to get inside. Shalnark stared back at the assassin and brought out two antennae.  

Wanting to get the job done as fast as he could, Illumi’s hands quickly grabbed for some pins and hurled it to the Genei Ryodan member.

Feitan, Fan Fiction, HxH Fan Fiction, Illumi, Illumi Zoldyck, Fantasy Fan Leogan Fan Fiction, Hunter x Hunter, The Dark Leader of the Outlaws, Chapter 5, Shalnark
Shalnark brought out his antennae


 to x be x continued

Please like our FB page: Otaku - Fantasy Fan Leogan

Credits to: Google Images and to the owners of the fan arts

© Fantasy Fan Leogan 2014
All Rights Reserved

Every written work in the Fantasy Fan Leogan website is owned by Fantasy Fan Leogan with the exception of some fan submissions. No part of Fantasy Fan Leogan or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified without obtaining permission from the site owner. Commercial use or other distribution means of the contents of this blog is not allowed without consent and permission from the site owner. See My Blog's Copyright Notice.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Watch scorching hot brawls from select videos about Tekken matches. We have videos of expert Korean players and we also have vintage Tekken clips. Enjoy!

Jaycee, Angel, Alisa, Jack-6, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Tekken, Matches
Jaycee / Angel vs. Alisa / Jack-6

TTT2 FT3: Aikido (Nina/Steve) Vs. Mad Wolf (Heihachi/Kazuya)

My entry for September 07, 2014.

I have watched many videos of TekkenKilliams (Aikido) back when I was a noob. I was amazed as to how he uses Anna and Nina but he/she is not that satisfied about their tandem. Also, he/she believes that Nina wasn't given enough fighting tools to be a top tier character. Now that I can call myself an average Tekken Player and I main Nina, I kind of disagree about his/her statements. I strongly believe that the Nina/Anna team up is still one of the best partnerships for me and Nina received the best in-your-face jabs in the game.

The match above is definitely not the best of Aikido. He/She did bad right here. I don't know if there were internet connection problems or there was something wrong with the controls. Aikido missed on a lot of combos and was not able to punish Mad Wolf accordingly. It was too obvious that Aikido relied too much on (B+2,2) and dropped a lot of (iWS1). Nina's combos in the match were a bit odd. Maybe he/she wanted to execute something new however, it won't work on this particular case.

Mad Wolf on the other hand did good with his Heihachi and Kazuya. Though he spammed a lot of electric attacks, the combos were quite good and he punished well. He was able to rape Aikido on the first round. Yes, he was good but I'm cheering for Aikido to win this match. Unfortunately, looks like he/she is not in a good mood or this is all just a warm up, probably.

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