Saturday, January 28, 2017

WATCH: Team Rocket Beats Ash For The First Time In 20 Years Fair And Square

We've seen Team Rocket got roasted, burnt, frozen, stoned, electrocuted, poisoned, catapulted and all in almost every episode in the Pokémon anime series. But not this time.

Pokemon, Team Rocket, Team rocket beats Ash, Pikachu, Mimikyu, Jessie, James, Pokemon match, Pokemon battle, Pokemon Sun and Moon, The Senpai King, Mareanie, Rowlet, Meowth, 20 years Pokemon, Alola region, Giovanni

Pokémon Sun and Moon anime surprises its fans with something new. The plot shows a typical anime series set-up. Ash and his friends were having a fun time at the beach. Meanwhile, Team Rocket's boss, Giovanni himself, has contacted Jessie and James to check whether they have captured some strong Pokémon in the Alola region. They haven't captured a single one so they felt the need to lie.

This gave Jessie and James the motivation to comb the area and see what they could find or possibly catch. They ended up fishing nearby but got no luck. James ultimately decided to wear a scuba suit and scouted the waters where he encountered a Mareanie (Japanese: Hidoide). According to the Pokémon lore, Mareanie loves eating Corsola — which happened to look the same as James' helmet. The poor guy got attacked by Mareanie and was poisoned. James faced turned purple and it made him look like a male mate in the eyes of Mareanie. As expected, it immediately fell in love with him.

Pokemon, Team Rocket, Team rocket beats Ash, Pikachu, Mimikyu, Jessie, James, Pokemon match, Pokemon battle, Pokemon Sun and Moon, The Senpai King, Mareanie, Rowlet, Meowth, 20 years Pokemon, Alola region, Giovanni

Ash appeared on the scene with his Pokémon. With the unwavering obsession into stealing Pikachu away, they challenged the forever-young trainer in a Pokémon battle. The normal scenario was fans watching Team Rocket getting their ass whooped. This time however, is totally different as the odds aligned for them to gain the upper hand. To emphasize, they fought without playing any dirty tricks.

Mimikyu who has been traveling with TR the entire time and absolutely hates Pikachu was the first one to crack. It happily launched some deadly attacks upon seeing its rival with the hopes to land a successful blow. Madly in-love with James, Mareanie on the other hand, fought with all its might defeating Ash's Rowlet (Mukuroh). After Mareanie created a smoke screen with its attack, Mimikyu emerge and critically hit Pikachu with its tail. The love and hate chemistry made it possible to defeat Ash in this battle. Looks like TR has gone far stronger with Mimikyu and Mareanie joining their team.

Pokemon, Team Rocket, Team rocket beats Ash, Pikachu, Mimikyu, Jessie, James, Pokemon match, Pokemon battle, Pokemon Sun and Moon, The Senpai King, Mareanie, Rowlet, Meowth, 20 years Pokemon, Alola region, Giovanni
Jessie: Did we just...

Watch the Pokémon battle scene right here:

Jessie had a Yu-Gi-Oh! crazy moment while James and Meowth literally cried after winning fair & square. The entire Team Rocket couldn't believe it at first. That moment of victory was sweet as if it has been dipped in a jar of honey for twenty years. Not sure with others, but I cried while watching that unforgettable scene. I share the same views as The Senpai King:

Team Rocket just made history and we look forward for more successful fights.

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