Thursday, August 3, 2017

HD360x Zoom Lens - New Lenses To Use At Cosplay Conventions?

Consider this as our first tech review. And the lucky item to scrutinize right now is the HD360x zoom lens I bought some time ago. Got it for US $56 and they shipped thru public post (FREE).

Kind of cheap, eh?

Before we get to the details, let me say this - I am not an expert in photography. Also, I am only interested to be a part of the cosplay convention as one of their artists soon but I haven't tried it yet. I'm just trying to save as much memories as possible.

And because of that, I purchased this HD360x zoom lens and now I am making a review about it.

I bought this guy many moons ago because of the advertisement that it could take clear shots of the moon's surface. See below image.

Although I am not interested on taking shots of heavenly bodies including the moon, I am keen on getting something that would let me capture events from a faraway distance without spending too much.

Like I said, I am not a photographer and I don't have time to improve my photography skills. This smartphone photography accessory is what I'm looking for, I thought.

I got a hunch that this is just an exaggeration. Like what most online skeptics would say, "caveat emptor".

Of course, it could be an inflated description of the features of the product. So I looked for some comments in their posts and advertisements and I found something stunning. Not just one, but there's too many positive feedback.

I saw some customer samples, and most of them were obviously taken by amateur photographers or guys who don't know about it at all. But there are a few sample shots that caught my eye and I took screenshots of them to prove to you that I'm not lying.

Check These HD360x Zoom Lens Customer Shots

HD360x zoom lens, moon photo sample, customer feedback, HD360x zoom lens review

HD360x zoom lens review, HD360x zoom lens, moon photos, smartphone photography, HD360x

HD360x zoom lens, moon photo sample, customer feedback, HD360x zoom lens review

So because of these, I bought mine and received it within 2 weeks. It took some time before I got out of my house to test it.

I didn't bring it to a cosplay convention to try this thing out. Don't ask me why. I feel weird but it should be okay next time. Hahaha.

The box includes the zoom lens, a clip, a microfiber cloth and the lens caps. They're easy to assemble and attach. You need to make sure the zoom lens would align exactly in front of the phone camera.

So far the HD360x zoom lens looks neat. It really works as it gives me clear shots at 8x zoom. If you want to zoom in farther, you can use your phone. If blurry, you need to use the adjustment band and turn until it gives you the right focus.

I tested it on buildings, an airplane, and a famous volcano. It gave the zoom that I want. When I tried to zoom in at my phone's max, it was shaky I wished I bought a tripod along. But it really zooms in and you can still get a shot if you tried your best to hold still.

Don't ask me for pics. I suck at this. Ask HD360x Facebook Page for customer samples, or look for those comments I'm talking about.

If things get shaky, which I didn't expect because I am a photography noob, you need to find somewhere to mount the HD360x zoom lens.

And one important thing you'd like to take note before buying this product.

The picture quality at highest levels would depend on the power of your phone and how stable it is while taking the shot. I assume that those who were able to take a shot of the moon have powerful phones (the Samsung S7 Edge is the most powerful smartphone when I bought this product). But if you're only after the zoom power, it works on old phones. I saw their admin post a pic of his or her iPhone 4s and old Samsung Tablet with the zoom lens attached. They claim that it works for as long as it fits.

I don't know what else these genius moon hunters did, but I'm pretty sure they used a tripod to take those pics above.

HD360x Zoom Lens Review Conclusion

It really works! It's just that you need to make sure it's not shaky or else, it will result to a bad photo. Use a tripod, use it on a powerful smartphone, and you should be fine or excellent!

I recommend it for cosplay events. If you are not afraid to be the first to use something "different", then go. Or maybe buy one for your buddy so that you're not alone in this. After all, it only costs US $56.

I know you got dirty things in mind, you pervert! No, I won't recommend it for that!

Oh no... Perv boy just thought of something.
Thank you so much for reading. This is our first product review and we would like to do more.

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