Monday, October 21, 2019

30 Unbelievably Useful Websites You Should Have Known Earlier

shadow of man thinking of useful websites to visit

You may have spent an incredible amount of hours trying to do things the hard way: converting files, fact-checking, learning something new, and all. What most people do not know is that, the internet offers a handful of tools. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about these.

If you want to avoid losing more hours and days of your life just to get stuff done, read through these list of random useful websites you wish you had known before. They’d surely become handy in the future, so bookmark and remember to use them someday!

Account Killer

homepage of account killer website

Had trouble deleting online accounts in the past? Accountkiller offers an endless list of sure-fire ways to say goodbye to seemingly unkillable accounts. Just search for the app or account and the tool will provide golden tips on how you can put an end to the accounts you’re so eager to ditch.


zamzar online file conversion site

Most of us had this experience of working through our tasks and finish off early only to be bogged by files you couldn’t open. Problems with unsupported file format is a thing of late 2000’s, but it can still kill momentum and eat up minutes or even hours of your life. When you come across something like this again, keep Zamzar in mind as it will surely come in handy.

Using this tool is incredibly easy. Just upload the file, select the file type you want and convert. You’ll receive the file through your email as soon as it’s ready!

Soda PDF

soda pdf unlock website

Another pain when trying to work on files in PDF format are those that require pass codes. Unfortunately, not everyone would be able to quickly get the code from the sender. If the need arises, you can turn to this useful website to do the job.


online etymology library

One of the most useful websites for students, teachers or anyone curious enough to know about the origin of words or terms. This online dictionary will explain the history behind every word and how they sounded and used up to 2000 years ago. You can download their Chrome extension to make your research a few clicks easier.


online library of manuals

Lost the hard copy of your manual and the guarantee? Not a problem!

Gone are the days when you put the fate of your appliances and other devices to your own inexperienced hands. ManualsLib, the ultimate library for manuals got your back. Visit the website and simply type in the brand, name or the model and it will give you everything you need to know.


shared logins in bug me not

Trying to use a supposedly useful website until it asked you to login first?

You’re not the only one have this same problem. Fortunately, some useful websites like can be saved in your bookmarks for later use. This tool shares login to some frequently visited websites so you can use them for free without the hassle of signing up and confirmations through email or text.


email tracking home page of get notify site

Need some very important files to be read by your intended recipients? The Get Notify website lets you know whether the person you’re trying to reach out to was able to read the message or not through an email notification. Quite useful if you want to confirm if someone’s trying to ignore your messages.

When you receive a notification, Get Notify will deliver other info that could be handy, such as the email recipient’s IP, geographical location, device/OS used, read duration and more. Don’t worry, people will never know unless you told them about it.

homepage of scr dot im

With bots keeping an eye on the internet world for any email address they could capture, it’s important to sail the seas with protection. One good way to hide your email address is by distorting its appearance so only real people can see them.

The tool works like other URL shorteners, but is exclusive for shortening email addresses. Go ahead and give it a try!


snopes online fact checking site

Info wars is happening right now in social media. With different media platforms trying to sway people’s minds through propaganda, half truths and mind-conditioning tactics, we need something to verify all these data.

While we don’t say that Snopes is 100% trustworthy and unbreachable, it’s one of the best fact-checking tools out there. We still give the same advice to be open to different versions of the story and understand the deeper intention behind every action.


homepage of diy instructables

One of the most useful websites for DIY souls out there. is a community for people who loves to create things and share their methods to everyone. Explore thousands of projects, crafts, workshops and other interesting things that may come in handy. See the site for yourself!


online lending borrowing site

It’s time to talk about money.

If you’re a small business owner, and you’re looking for some funds to take the next big step for the future of your company, Kiva is a good option. The website helps borrowers and lenders meet. The interest rate is 0% and as they say: it’s a loan, not a donation. Please remember to pay once you made quite a profit out of the funds you raised.


home page starting point of 50 ways to get a job

Looking for a job? Finding your purpose?

Though the ultimate decision on what you want to become is in your hands, a bit of help from real people or maybe an interactive website like 50waystogetajob won’t hurt. When using this tool, remember that there is no perfect path. So start off in a place where your life is truly standing and it might show you some of the answers you seek.

Team Blind

ultimate forum of verified professionals team blind topics

This could be one of the most useful websites for verified professionals, where everyone’s anonymous and focused on discussing about “what matters most”. If you’d like to hear a plethora of insights or got some life stories and lessons to share, jump into the game and contribute!

Brand Yourself

online privacy brand yourself

Is your personal data exposed for everyone to see? This useful website will help protect your online privacy and improve your reputation at the same time. If you’re a jobseeker, an employer or a budding influencer, it’s a smart move to get your name checked for a small price!

Hubspot Academy

grow career and online business

Investing in yourself is one of the best investments there is. One way to do this is by learning more things. In Hubspot Academy, you can get yourself updated about the latest in digital marketing, online sales, customer support and a lot more. This will help you to further your career, skills and business.


duolingo language translation website

Love to travel?

If in case you haven’t learned about any language yet apart from English, this tool will help you get ready. But if the day of flight is coming near, don’t forget to download their app in your phone for real time translation assistance.


amazon product reviews analyzer

While Amazon is doing a crackdown against fake reviews, there’s still a lot of sellers who makes use of them. If you want to be a lot more sure before you purchase something, run through the product URL in ReviewMeta site and it will analyze its authenticity.


apartment hunting website with maps

Apartment hunting can be either traumatic or fun depending on how you’ll do it. With the use of Padmapper, it’s definitely the latter. It’s massive map, a wide array of listings and filter features, will help you easily find a pad that matches your needs and preferences.


grammarly home page useful website for writers

A writer’s best buddy! Not only that it’s a useful site for writers, Grammarly also helps students and even teachers write a seamless content, report or whatever writeup they need to craft.

The free version of the tool counts the number of words and detects critical grammar and spelling errors. If you want to identify grammar and readability opportunities, you will need to upgrade to the premium version which is totally worth it.

Resume Worded

resume worded useful website for job seekers

Are you still doing your résumé through MS word? You’re really wasting what’s left of your lifespan. With Resume Worded, you can create a compelling CV in just a few minutes so you can spend the rest of your hours job hunting.


kisspng cleanpng website homepage

Need HD images without background? Those who can and can’t use Photoshop will definitely love this site. It saves you from the job of removing the background out of an image you found over the internet. If you want an image with a transparent background so it won’t mess with the better backdrop you created, find them in CleanPNG.

Computer Hope

shortcut library

Are you more of a keyboard warrior? If you want to make the most out of your time while working on your laptop and various apps, Computer Hope brings you a ton of short cut techniques. Whether you use a Mac or PC, Microsoft OS or Linux, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and a lot more, this tool has got you covered.


swole diet planner website

A diet planner that begins with your grocery list. It plans the meals and calories you need to consume for the day. Moreover, it favors to your liking so you can try to lose weight without torturing yourself over food your taste buds and stomach can’t agree on.

Diff Checker

useful website for content writers

Another useful tool for writers, Diffchecker allows you to compare two files so you can see the changes made to them. Did you receive a content copy from your editor? Run it through diff checker and easily spot the difference.


website for creating infographics, chart, maps

If your job requires you to create infographics, but you don’t have skills in Photoshop and vector illustration, Infogram is here for you. It also creates stunning graphs, charts, reports, social media contents and other visuals with tons of great features.

Nobody Here Just Me

random useful online site for procrastination

For bored internet lurkers who are tired of playing games and doing online activities that they usually do. If you want to stay alone in your bedroom, this website is a cool way to kill time and tire yourself out by interacting with random weird stuff.


midomi music library website

Couldn’t sleep over an untitled tune that’s stuck in your head? We’re sure you’ve checked Google or YouTube for it, but what if you can only hum it? With Midomi, you only need to sing and hum the tune to solve this music mystery. It’s really that simple!

Similar Sites

website suggesting similar websites

Some of us have enjoyed a remarkably useful website in the past, but there comes a time when we won’t be able to access them at all. They could be gone into thin air or they might start asking for fees which you’re not able to provide. Now’s the time to find other sites of the same kind and that’s what Similar Sites is built for!

Ruin My Search History

pro privacy ruin my search history homepage

We all love privacy especially when it comes to things we search online. Ruin My Search History from the name itself, messes your search history by randomly executing more searches and gets rid of tracking services.

All The Free Stock

useful website for free stock photo and content

The site brings you all free stock contents and other sources where you can find them.  Content creators, students, teachers, parents and anyone will find this website incredibly useful to their online work.

Did we miss any insanely useful site you know of? Share it with us and other members of our community through the comments section below!

Thanks for reading!

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