Monday, December 28, 2020

Zombie Tidal Wave, His House, Cadaver, Mark Of The Devil: These are four movie picks for the night of December 25th. We didn't check rotten tomatoes, IMDB, or other review sites. Little did we know that we are in for a surprise!

While we don't regret the decision of not checking their ratings, we can't fully say that we did not waste our time. Some reviews were too unforgiving that we could have missed some good gems if we listened to their rants. Moreover, we don't always agree with both "seasoned" and "amateur" online reviewers. As such, we go on and do our own thing.

NOTE: While this article does not contain direct spoilers, some views listed here may give you a picture of what you are about to watch. It sucks because I want to be 100% clueless about the plot when watching a movie.

Let's start with the first film, which is a complete letdown. But before we continue, pardon the lack of jargon. We're not regular film reviewers. :)

Zombie Tidal Wave

I didn't get the chance to see its title. The movie played without anyone telling me. Since this is a Netflix movie, I had my hopes up as I always had felt that they ignore most trash-tier films. It turns out that I'm entirely wrong, and it's a shame that I had faith in their selection for a long time. Perhaps, I was just lucky all along until now.

The first minutes of the film left a bad impression. It lacks the element of darkness, and hearing the cheesy dialog mixed awkwardly with inferior acting is like years of torture. Even the main actor just spewed his lines monotonously like he only cared about memorizing them.

Delving deeper into the shallow-themed film, we convinced ourselves that it's just another low-budget zombie scrap with a poorly written script. While it reminds me of the successful Sharknado franchise, we didn't just have the patience to see what's coming for us. After the first phony tidal wave where the main character and his buddy survived without getting wet (not sure if there's another one), we found ourselves switching to the next film. If you watched it and didn't roll your eye, every movie would suit your taste, that it won't make sense to spend time reading reviews like this.


Do we recommend it? 

Recommendation: Good for someone who's about to watch his first zombie film. Even if you can tolerate bad CGIs and have time for such fluff, watch something else. It's merely unworthy of everyone's attention.

Rating: 0.01 out of 5

His House

This time, I chose the movie, and I'm proud of it. His House made me think of the film Get Out, but I was happy that it offered something different. My other assumption was that it's a movie about racism, where the main characters would experience something so evil from people of other cultures.

A refugee couple who fled war-torn Sudan considered themselves lucky to be given a chance to live a new life in an English town. Under probational asylum by the British government, Bol and Rial must follow a set of rules and behave as good citizens to avoid deportation. 

Spoiler alert

While the immigration officers assigned them to a seemingly depressed town, they don't have problems with their neighbors. Apart from the racial offenses by some black kids and the girl who peed on their yard (unaware that someone already lives there), the townspeople are generally acceptable. They met some friendly people who tried getting along with them even if Rial acted hostile.

It all comes down to the creepy house, which appears to be haunted by the ghosts of those who died while fleeing the gunfires. Soon, Rial's encounter revealed that what ensued on their way to survival is far from what we anticipated.

The film gave us the right kind of jump scare we're looking for. We almost fell out of our seats upon witnessing the grudge of the spirits who aimed for Bol's life. After years of watching heaps of movies with overused fright execution, His House is a Christmas gift we gave to ourselves that night. 

Recommendation: For everyone who can handle extreme scares. A bit bloody but the right amount of gore.

Rating: 4 out of 5


This debut film of a Norwegian writer-director may not be the best film of the night, but it's not that bad either. It's entirely pleasing to look at, despite its predictability and the missed opportunity to create a spectacle that could have catapulted him to the spotlight. 

Actress Leonor and her husband Jacob shared days and nights of uncertainties after a nuclear event cursed the city with great despair. Having to navigate through the chaos, corpses, and whatever doom has to offer with their 10-year old daughter, Alice, they must at least figure out how to escape death from starvation. 

But before they got to the height of hunger, the married couple had to decide whether they should accept a shady offer or not: a night of entertainment with lavish complimentary dinner in a luxury hotel. Their ultimate decision led to a short-lived amusement as the wonderful evening quickly unfolded into a more sinister nightmare they have to face.

Although Leonora had these moments where a character manifests a pathetic response amid a life-and-death conflict, she redeemed herself with a plan we never thought she could make. You may grow to hate this persona as the storyline progresses, but the way she picked everything up and opposed the master showman in the final moments has its charm.

Jarand Herdal's creation looks gorgeous, but there are many things he could have done to entice international producers and the rest of the movie world. If he took it up another notch, Leonora's character might have been more developed, and she could have charmed her way as another icon in the world of post-apocalyptic films.

Recommendation: This is a movie that may correct lousy parenting. Overall, Cadaver is a charming disappointment as it possesses the foundation that leads the way to brilliance.

Rating: 3 out of 5

Mark Of The Devil

Zombies, Tidal Waves, Vengeful Ghosts, Sophisticated Cannibals... What else is missing?

That's right! Demons and stoned exorcists.

Completing our fright night on Christmas is a Mexican supernatural film that has been on Netflix since March 2020. Mark Of The Devil began the scare with a freak exorcism gone wrong. After an unsuccessful attempt to banish a powerful evil that supposedly "done in" a possessed child, the horrified priest dumped the body in the hopes that it will rot.

Unfortunately, the child came back to life and disemboweled the priest in his own sanctuary. Later on, he was found by a young practitioner and took him under his wing. The events soon revealed that the child grew up to be an unusual exorcist — a demon siphoning out the black ooze from unfortunate victims. To show gratitude to the priest who adopted him, he regularly brings meth to calm the troubled servant of God.

The hunter, who is also a demon, appeared to be the son of Cthulhu, Ythogtha. His destiny is to save the beautiful daughters from the possession of his cruel, ne'er-do-good sister, Cthylla. When the battle took place, we started to clean up, as it was plain unattractive and boring.

I tried my best not to miss the horrible scenes. Cthylla seemed to be the smarter sibling as she divided her existence inside two vessels (the family daughters) and managed to kill almost everyone. Ultimately, Mark Of The Devil is a show for drunk people like us at that time, who won't bother checking another title as we're about to sleep anyway. 

Recommendation: Not as bad as Zombie Tidal Wave, but probably regretful for sober watchers. Grab a beer and watch with friends who will entertain you with ridiculous rants about the film when things become funny ugly.

Rating: 1 out of 5

What's next?

We're open to suggestions, but I prefer not to endure the presence of hideous pictures moving forward. Netflix is home to brilliant horror films, so why are we losing our subscription and the remainder of our lifespan on terrible flicks?

And speaking of Netflix, their list of upcoming films gives us another reason to live. However, we will be talking about them in another publication!

Until then, fellow Otakus.

Monday, December 21, 2020


Waifu anime on different poses

Loving fictional characters is a natural phenomenon. When we watch a movie or a series, or in this case, an anime, it is natural for a person to be drawn to certain characters. However, the Otaku community has taken the idea of loving a character to a completely different dimension.

The Otaku community has created the waifu or husbando culture. According to this phenomenon, people like certain anime characters and marry them in the fictional world. Let us have a closer look at this culture through this article.

What is Waifu Culture?

Before you get to understanding what Waifu culture is, you must know what a waifu is.cs

Who is Waifu?

The meaning of waifu is simply a female character from either any anime series or game. What characterizes a character as waifu is the viewer or gamers feelings towards the character.

Certain characters such as Kyoko Mogami from Skip Beat have such a character that viewers can not help but have romantic feelings. When the viewers or gamers have romantic feelings towards a particular character, that character becomes waifu.

How Important is Having a Waifu?

Having a waifu has become a roaring trend in the Otaku culture and community. If you do not have a waifu, you will probably be shunned out of the otaku culture. Watching much content of playing too many games to find that character that you resonate the most with is difficult. Therefore, the Internet has emerged with a lot of waifu generators.

Some of the most popular waifu is as following.

·       Tsunade from Naruto

·       Megumi Tadokoro from Food Wars

·       Asuna Yuuki from Sword Fight

·       Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail

·       Elizabeth Liones from The Seven Deadly Sins

Purpose of the Waifu Culture

The waifu culture was started as a joke on the Internet; it slowly picked speed. The anime Azumanga Daioh was the one that popularized the term waifu. This happened because some American anime and manga fans referred to their favorite characters as waifu. The term just snowballed from there.

Thus, the initial purpose of using the term was to single out a fan's favorite characters. However, the phenomenon picked speed and came to the current point when having a waifu is necessary for the otaku culture.

The waifu culture's primary purpose is to allow users to get integrated into the world of anime. When someone has romantic feelings towards a character, they are wholly invested in the anime, manga, or game that the character is featured in. Another great thing is that these fans are likely to buy merchandise related to their waifu.

Another purpose of the waifu culture is evident. Since having a waifu does not mean that the person cannot have a relationship in the real world, this relationship is only for the sake of fantasizing. Having a waifu relationship allows the lovers to get out of the real world and fantasize about a happy life with their waifu for some while.

Characteristics of the Waifu Culture

Every waifu relationship that a person has with an anime character is individual. However, a few things are common to most waifu relationships:

·       The waifu relationship involves a commitment of some kind.

·       The gamer, reader, or viewer is aware that the character is fictional.

·       Sexual aspects of the relationship are not compulsory; however, they might arise in some waifu relationships.

·       Having a waifu is an entirely different area of a person's life. If a person has a waifu, it does not mean that they cannot have a real-life partner.


Who is Your Number One Waifu?

There are many things that are considered by people before picking their waifu. Physical appearances play a considerable role in the picking of the ultimate waifu. However, many people prefer looking for specific character traits that help them connect with the character.

The typical character traits that anime lovers like are an innocent or fierce personality, a shy or independent personality, a naïve or smart understanding. There are many rubrics that might be required to be fulfilled by characters to become the perfect waifu for fans.

Most anime have a solid storyline that reminisces about each character's past and how it shaped them. Therefore, many people choose their waifu according to the past that the character has had and how it has impacted them.

Choosing a waifu is a personal matter that reflects the viewer, gamer, or reader's personality as well. Many waifu generator websites online select a waifu for a user based on their preferences and ideologies.


How the Waifu Culture Has Impacted the Real World

The impact of manga and anime on the real world is no secret. The otaku community is massive and spreads globally. Therefore, when something such as the waifu culture takes root in such a wide community, it is natural for the real world to be affected by it. Given below are some ways that the real world has been affected by the Otaku world.


Anime characters have a very distinct sense of fashion. With colored hair and fictional clothing, many things set characters apart from real people. However, with the rise of the waifu/husband culture, people in the real-world desire to look similar to anime characters.

As people have started taking their waifu relationships seriously, they prefer people in the real-world to look similar to their waifu. Therefore, unnatural hair dyes and loose clothing or men have become immensely popular. In recent years, the shift from neutral colors to bright colors usually featured in anime is also noticeable.


Many people create waifu relationships to fulfill the gaps that they have in the real world. However, some people get so involved in their relationship that they lose touch with the real world. Resultantly, a lot of psychological issues might arise in people. Delusions are widespread among people who have too committed waifu relationships.



Waifu culture is a fun way to be more involved in anime. It is also perfect for fantasizing and finding an escape from the real world for a bit.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with passionately loving fictional characters. However, it is a problem if people get delusional or have a waifu relationship that affects how people interact with the real world.


Friday, November 27, 2020


Many people lost their businesses and jobs to the COVID-19 lockdowns. Even so, it didn't stop them from finding new sources of dough. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of alternative jobs in the neighborhood and on the internet. The world won't run out of needs, and this necessity can further the marketplace. Though side jobs may not be enough to stir the economy and bring it back up, it is sure to provide the most basic needs until a bigger opportunity comes.

If you want to bounce back and be pandemic-proof in the future, you can work online for extended hours or engage with legal gigs that pay. We list down some of these side jobs to help you earn extra cash and probably slay 2021.

Smurf Gaming

Being a geek page, one of the first unusual jobs we'd recommend for a career guy in the morning and a hardcore player at night is boosting his rich online friends' and followers' gaming accounts in exchange for money.

Smurfing is a term used for pro-players who pilot accounts to achieve their clients' goals. Whether to level up, reach higher ranks, beat difficult levels, or farm items, this business can absolutely take care of your utility bills.

Grow a Facebook fan page, play different games, showcase your skills, stream live, maybe sell anime or geek products as an affiliate, and introduce your smurf service. Apart from the few bucks you make from monetizing your videos, you get a hefty amount of payment from your clients.

Mukbang Social Eating with a Twist

This venture is no longer new as social eating has been done many times over. The idea may seem overused, but it is hard to deny that viewers love to see strangers eating a mountain of spicy noodles and slabs of pork fat without poise. 

If this idea whispers words of encouragement to your ears, think of something that would set you apart from the current vloggers. YouTube audiences would love to see something new, and when you do, make sure you have other tricks hidden up your sleeve as you owe to show them more. What makes it unusual, but not gory, could work.

While we'd like to give examples, we are saving it for our future channel, if we're lucky enough to have time to launch it. 

The key to growing here is through collaborations, consistency, and content. These three C's will not only help you earn a few bucks to pay the rent, but it may also be your key to virtual stardom.

Selling Photos And Videos

For as long as it's your own creation, you can sell your photos and videos in exchange for bucks. Where?

Instead of just giving out a list of platforms, we'd like to tell you first that you need to plan out your theme, niche, and how you could provide a continuous stream of content for money before earning your first dollars from this. 

Plenty of sites would welcome your crisp, candid, and professionally-taken and edited shots for photos. Some of these are Shutterstock, iStock, Alamy, Getty, and more.

With lockdowns still effective in different places, miniature photography may be a cool thing to learn and try while you can't travel. Enhance your skills as you use your toy collection, pets, friends, and family as the subject of your photoshoots.

Uscreen might be a good platform for you as they accept a wide array of themes for selling videos. Vimeo on Demand, VideoHive, and Amazon Video Direct are also cool places to try.

We don't recommend spending a few hundred bucks on a new camera. You can do all these if you have a phone capable of capturing a good picture and video quality.

Trying Unusual Career Marketplaces

Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer are some of the most popular platforms in this category.

These platforms hold a dense community that it's hard for starters to shine without selling their services for unreasonably low rates. 

We recommend going for new players in the field who accept a wide range of experiences, such as GoHire and Optimate. Hubstaff Talent is also a quiet place, though they may not have as many jobs to offer as Upwork and Fiverr.

Earn From Small Computer Tasks?

This eye-brow raising item is legit. Swagbucks offer payments for doing various tasks online. With aYou can get paid for watching a YouTube video, installing an app, searching for something on Google, or playing a game. The price for each task may not be big, but they add up quickly. This is why you should invest in a good internet connection, secure your online activities, and take care of that old laptop.

Another interesting job place to try is GigWalk. Here, you can earn more, but you need to complete gigs in your area. The jobs come from brands and shops that would like to use GigWalkers to check out their pricing, displays, and other important product details.

It's actually, never-ending list of ways to make money. But the above are some of the odd and the most accessible that we'd like you to check on first. While they don't replace full-time work that regularly pays with benefits on the side, these gigs are sure to help you find some extra dough when the need arises.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Spider with 2 lost limbs and 10 remaining and creepy face of hisoka with images of Machi, Bonolenov, Illumi, Chrollo and Feitan from Hunter x Hunter manga

We are convinced that he was there, blended with the others very well, and is waiting for a spider to make a wrong move and become his first victim...

To those who have not seen the latest Hunter x Hunter manga chapters and don't want to get spoiled, please check other HxH articles we have instead. But if you're updated with what happened so far, and you want to know where the hell we think Hisoka is hiding, feel free to proceed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fujoshi holding a phone with BL anime Killua kissing Gon and main character from the high school life of a fudanshi
Kiss Him Not Me / The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi


Ten years ago, you can count the number of animated yaoi and live BL shows you know using your hand. And if you're lucky to have access to a wider library of this genre, you probably have endured the struggle of not being able to talk about it with your peers. Thanks to social media and the brave early adopters who didn't care about what others will say about this particular hobby, or kink if you don't mind the vulgarity, we can now talk about it freely. There are even times when we go overboard that we ship two straight male anime characters just because, and this results in an offended fandom and exchange of fiery comments.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

If you are an anime binge watcher and already tired of the mainstream releases, maybe it's high time to try something new. While Netflix and Crunchyroll showcase an excellent roster of anime series and movies, Amazon Prime's collection gives off a refreshing vibe. As we go through the Anime TV and movies category, we felt that rare excitement you only encounter whenever you're about to try something unknown to you for a long time.

RWBY characters to watch in Amazon Prime 30 day free trial

Unlike Netflix and Crunchyroll, Amazon Prime Video has thinner options. However, it would be easy to see anime series you might not have heard from your peers. The selections here may have a quiet and chill fandom, but they are not as small as you think they are. A good example would be the RWBY franchise, an animation series with a fantastic art style, epic fight scenes, and well-rounded characters. It has sold thousands of merch, garnered several awards and nominations, as well as a good critical response from commentators.

Thursday, October 1, 2020


As of this writing, the second part of Haikyuu!! To The Top, also known as Haikyuu Season 5, will be airing tomorrow, October 2, 2020. But where should we watch the new Haikyuu episodes online?

Strangely, in the modern-day, famous anime TV shows like Haikyuu!! arrive late in leading streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll. As such, it would be impossible to stay ahead, unless you're watching the anime from Japan.


We only know two legitimate first streamers of this most awaited sports animé season of the year. One being Netflix, as it is known to be involved in the production. So far, it's the obvious place to go to, and the story will pick up from the ending of Haikyuu!! To The Leading. Netflix is also the right place where you can watch Haikyuu on the dubbed version.

If you haven't watched Haikyuu yet, but would like to, Netflix still has seasons 1 to 4. Collectors may want to watch or keep the first volume in Blu-Ray. We haven't confirmed if Netflix took a step up, but we're placing our bets that they would acquire the new Haikyuu episodes sooner than others.


The other legal anime streaming site where you can stream Haikyuu season 5 is Crunchyroll. It has a huge collection of anime shows, and a huge chunk of the fandom fancy buying some merch from them. 

Amazon Prime

If you have Prime Video, you probably have seen the Haikyuu seasons and other anime shows such as Vinland Saga, RWBY, Dive!! and more. It's another great place to check a few days or weeks after the new season has aired in Japan. 

Rife with anime series that aren't too mainstream, you'll definitely love Prime Video and their free trial


Haikyuu follows the story of Shoyo Hinata, a short volleyball enthusiast who fell in love deeply with the game. To become the next "little giant" and win tournaments, he practiced and played many games with his teammates in Karasuno High. Together with his partner, Tobio Kageyama, they developed a weird but powerful setter-spiker relationship that became a force to be reckoned with.

Watch the Season 5 trailer here:

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